
A place where food heals you !

A place where food heals you !

VitalSwasthya was born with an intention of holistic healing by two absolutely different people but having similar mindset. It is a place which promotes health and believes that health stands on the four pillars having simple four letters in them.

Food | Mind  | Body  | Move

Let's make use of the four pillars and align our food-mind-body and movement with VitalSwasthya

Family Health Program

This program aims to bring about a change in the whole family together. Staying healthy is a not a single man's show and the surrounding people around us play an important role in it too.

Child and teenage health program

"As you sow, so shall you reap" similarly what we practice in the teenage years we are going to receive that back in our 30s and 40s, so lets be wise and learn what to do with our children.

Sustainable Weight loss program

Weight loss is very simple, but sustainable weight loss is something that has to be given importance, lose weight the correct way with correct methods and you will see the change.

Mental Health program

Dealing with stress has never been so difficult before as it is seen now. We all are occupied and stressed with anxiety, depression and emotional breakdowns being commonest ones now.

Group Health program

What can be done in a group of similar minded people cannot be achieved alone, you are not alone and there are a lot many like you searching for a friend with whom they can reach where they want to, so lets get together and make it work.

Corporate Health Program

What's wealth when there is no health? This program gives you a picture of how to improvise your corporate life in a better way with just minor changes in your routine life.

About Nutritist

Care About Nutrition For Health

Nutrition is crucial at any age. Your children need good nutrition to remain healthy and strong as they grow up. Children’s nutrition will also help lay the groundwork for good eating habits and nutritional awareness that your child will use in his or her life.

A place where food heals you !

"Your FOOD is what we aim,

Your BODY is what we frame,

Your MIND is what we improve,

So that its easy for you to MOVE"

Whatever you eat frames your mind, your mind in turn makes your body and if you have a healthy body its easy for the body to do its movements which is given to us for.

Let's meet the people behind VitalSwasthya and what they have to say about health.

Dt. Vaishali Halkara

Specialised In

Nutritionist Expert

Always On Time Service

24/7 Support

Knowledge On Various Topics

Weight Loss

Optimal Weight Gain

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Diet Health Service

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100% Organic

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Optimal Weight Gain

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Diet Health Service

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Dr. Smriti Jhunjhunwala

Clinical Therapist

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Our Clients Say

Phasellus facilisis malesuada blandit. Morbi hendrerit eu elit sit amet euismod. Nam a efficitur nulla. Duis placerat urna in ex pulvinar aliquet.

    Hazel Dawson
    Hazel Dawson

    Managing Director

    Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.

      Rati Jhaveri
      Rati Jhaveri


      Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.

        Aditi Nayak
        Aditi Nayak


        Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.

          Minerva Schmidt
          Minerva Schmidt

          Marketing Director

          Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.

          One Day Diet



















          What clients have to say

            Dr.Jaya singh


            "I was a case of PCOD along with obesity, VitalSwasthya has helped me not only lose 10kgs but also get back the confidence and health in me. I will highly recommend to opt for a suitable plan and gain a healthy life with vitalswasthya"

              Mrs. Greta Mae


              Being working and along with the kid it was always difficult to give time to myself. After connecting with Vitalswastya eating mindfully and making some few changes really helped me to lose weight .The number of compliments received in last few days regarding the change has motivated me to follow them more diligently. The diet provided is very simple and easy to follow .

                Mr. Varun A Naresh


                Hi, I am a biotech student , i was 98kgs and was recommended vitalswasthya by my mom, she insisted me to consult and now after 9 months of healthy eating and exercises i am 70kgs, feeling so much better and positive in life.

                  Mrs. Radha Kesari


                  I am a teacher, a mother and a housewife , i was overweight with lack of motivation when i attended a free workshop of vitalswasthya and then further continued and joined their weight loss program, in 3 months there was visible difference so i continued it for another 3 months and lost almost 12kgs with the help of diet, exercise and yoga advised by vitalswasthya. Anybosy who wants to feel the same - go for it."

                    Dr.Rupali Thakur


                    I am Dr Rupali , i was suffering from PCOS and anemia , vitalswasthya gave me a plan accrodingly and then my haemoglobin also raised and pcos issue was also resolved. I will recommend vitalswasthya to everyone who needs a healthy reversal of their disease.