Our Product


This is a home based organic microgreen kit where you are provided with everything that you need to set up and grow microgreens at home. Its now very easy to have these nutri rich baby greens at home. You can also teach your kids and start feeding them with it from an early age so that they not only develop the taste for greens but also derive the benefit from it.

- The organic farming compost from SAGAR (M.P)
- Different types of seeds
- Portable Thermocol tray
- Sprinkler
-Microgreen recipe book

Why should you buy it ? Benefits of microgreens
- The baby greens are more nutritious than the grown ones
- Once you grow it you get an idea of how easy it is to grow healthy greens at home
- you don’t need any extra space and efforts to grow
- the whole guide and recipe of how to make the greens will be shared with you
- all kinds of greens are not available everywhere
- They are rich in taste, flavour, vitamins and minerals
- Kids can enjoy and learn the importance of it
- You grow it once, you will grow it again


This multipurpose facepack is made up of all natural and organic products at home. There are different ways of how you can use it for any type of skin and you will notice your skin health getting better. We should always apply only those things on the skin that we can eat because even the skin breathes and eats. We all know that skin is the largest excretory organ and we loose a lot of water and salts through it, this is the main reason why it becomes so important to keep our skin healthy. This organic face mask is made after a lot of trial and research and is suitable for all skin types. The ingredients used in this face pack includes all the natural ones found in ones kitchen

and have been sourced from our organic farms:

1. Multani mitti
2. Orange peel powder
3. Rose petal powder
4. Neem leaves

***Anybody having any kind of allergy to the above mentioned substances are not supposed to use the product. The product should be used only after a skin test.



Oiling hair has always been an age old Indian culture and nobody can deny its benefits after seeing their own dadi and mummys hair maintained even after years. In the present scenario, there is so much of toxicity due to the exposure to the chemicals and pollutants that cannot be avoided and is to be blamed for the degrading of hair quality and losing hair with advancing age and stress. Good hair gives you the confidence to carry yourself and show just you we eat good for a healthy hair, you can also apply this natural home made organic oil and see the difference in the texture and quality in few months.

The ingredients used are :
1. Coconut oil
2. Almond oil
3. Curry leaves
4.Castor oil
5. Flaxseed oil
6. Hibiscus leaves
7. Amla extract
8. Onion seeds
9. Methi seeds

*** Use the product only after using a little oil first, in case of any allergies to the mentioned substances, please avoid using it.


At every growing stage the body needs proteins. Protein is one of the macro nutrient and is responsible to play the major role in growth, repair and healing of worn out tissues and cells. If you look around you will find majority of the nutritionists talking about protein and its importance. Indian diet usually lack protein and therefore it becomes a necessity that you take it as a supplement, but VitalSwasthya has tried its best to be natural and organic and has successfully made a wholesome protein powder after calculating the normal adult average protein requirement. This powder contains high biological value protein and can be included in the diet with milkshakes, drinks, dals, smoothies. 2tsp of it will give you 28grams of protein and hence you can add it in your meals to balance the protein content on a daily basis.

Sharon Hutchinson

Nutritist Founder

Zera Rehbein

General Nutrition

Lizzie Morton


Alina Santiago

Diet & Nutrition

Dana Alvarado


Shana Mcdaniel


Would you like to speak to our nutritionist over the phone? Direct Me Now


Our Clients Say

Phasellus facilisis malesuada blandit. Morbi hendrerit eu elit sit amet euismod. Nam a efficitur nulla. Duis placerat urna in ex pulvinar aliquet.

    Hazel Dawson
    Hazel Dawson

    Managing Director

    Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.

      Rati Jhaveri
      Rati Jhaveri


      Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.

        Aditi Nayak
        Aditi Nayak


        Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.

          Minerva Schmidt
          Minerva Schmidt

          Marketing Director

          Fusce elementum pretium odio euhen drerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucib usorci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia.