VitalSwasthya is a place that brings together the enthusiasm of the young and the experience of the experienced one. It is a blend of knowledge and passion which helped us to build a platform through which we can bring a change in the world of diet and nutrition.


VitalSwasthya believes that “Food is the new medicine of the modern world “ and any changes that we inculcate in our eating habits will directly reflect upon our health. Our aim is not only to provide a healthy body but also a healthy mind which can be achieved only through dedication and determination.


The aim of this start-up is to empower a food-fed cure rather than the medicinal cure. Just like it is said that good food equals a good mood, a healthy eating habit will give a healthy body.


Dr. Smriti Jhunjhunwala

         Sharing this knowledge and purpose with the world was the idea with which Vital Swasthya was born. Guiding you at every step to transform your body through clean eating, detox, and repair, all needed to function at your best potential. Personalized exercise regimes in alignment with your body and mind that will help you combat the daily stresses of life, gain increased levels of energy throughout the day, and help you fall into a deeper slumber than usual are the cynosure of our initiative.


           My own creative style of curating a variety of wholesome recipes will astound your taste buds and get rid of your need for junk forever. Healing the body from the inside naturally heals you from the outside. This is our motto.

Vital Swasthya just comes to you with one promise: A healthier YOU


Dt. Vaishali Halkara